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ACI eHBL 115 – In a Buyer’s Consolidation, do we have to declare each shipper as a separate eHBL?

For each house bill contract of carriage, there must be a corresponding eHBL data transmission. There are exceptions for shipments that are grouped at the origin, for example, one house bill with one shipper/consignee pair and multiple vendors or suppliers. The vendor/supplier data is the responsibility of the importer, while the shipper data on the house bill is the responsibility of the freight forwarder. For instance, the house bill contract of carriage could show the shipper as “Canadian Retail X c/o ADB Consolidator, Singapore” and the consignee as “Canadian Retail X”. Historically, CBSA has allowed this type of house bill scenario if the title/ownership has transferred from the various vendors to the Canadian consignee prior to loading. It is recommended to verify with CBSA to determine if this applies to your customer. Additionally, there must be a corresponding eHBL 8000 CCN for each house bill contract of carriage, and the eHBL data set must match the house bill contract(s). If there are multiple house bill contracts of carriage, multiple eHBL data transmissions must be made. It’s important to note that these multiple 8000 CCNs can be consolidated by the customs broker into a single release request. 

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